“I chose ALBB because I saw the power of the platform”, says Ali. “ALBB provides me with the best possible deal. It gives me market-leading features, all-inclusive tools, and lightning-fast support – all for a single annual subscription.”
Ayseliza funnels all its business through ALBB because it gives them all of the tools they need to sell internationally, says Ali. Ali is particular about the helpful assistance his company gains from support reps on ALBB.
“I’ve been on other marketplaces where simple issues can take up to six months to resolve. ALBB provides a better experience for me, providing my business with swift support and effective resolution.”
Ayseliza benefits from its founder’s selling expertise on the platform. The company was one of the first adopters of Smart Keywords in Turkey. Ayseliza carefully optimizes its product listings, using clear and inviting pictures, product videos, and product descriptions that are attractive to customers.
Naturally, their inventive and methodical use of the platform has resulted in stellar business expansion and constantly growing revenue.
Today, Ayseliza funnels most of its yearly $5-$10 million revenue through ALBB. The company has customers in every continent globally, including repeat clients in Australia, Singapore, US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, Gabon, and South Africa.
Yet, as far as Ali is concerned, there’s still more to come. The company is constantly searching out ways to improve its business offerings, garner more clients, and grow revenue using ALBB tools.
To new sellers on ALBB, Ali says “never give up.” ALBB provides all the tools that businesses need to improve their global trade offerings and enter into new markets, and Ali notes that with a little perseverance and a lot of curiosity, any seller can improve their sales with ALBB.